I am currently reading and writing....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

...Halfway through....

Well, I am now about halfway through my book! I have another waiting in the wings already from another favorite author! At this rate, I may finish 15 or 20 books this year! Wow...what a cool resolution to actually fulfill! I may not lose any weight, but I will be a little bit smarter!

I wanted to mention that I have actually started writing! I don't want to post it until I have the first chapter written and ready, so it may be a few days. It's hard for me to stay up too late during the week because I am working the 5:45 to 2:45 schedule, so I have to be up and moving by 4:30 a.m. Kind of makes it difficult to stay up too long!

For those of you that don't know her, I would like to point you in the direction of my good friend, Pam's blog She is such a kind hearted person that is so giving to her children and has just been through a long three and half years. She is a wonderful Christian that I could only wish for in my life. I am proud to call her a friend of mine of 15 years now. We first met in Germany when we lived here 15 years ago. Actually, it was almost exactly 16 years ago, now that I think about the day! Haley's birthday was the day we met. That was on February 3, 1993. The fire alarm went off in our building. She and I were the only ones that decided to take it seriously and were sitting together out on the porch until the alarm went off. We hit it off immediately and she started inviting us down to eat dinner with them. Their son, James, was about 6 months older than Haley. They were best friends. They would not let any other kid come in and play with them! It was funny! We went to church together a lot, did FCC at the same time (well, she was better at it then I was!) and just had a great time together! She was there for me when Thomas was born and I was there for her when she found out she would be having another baby(Zach!) (Well, she might have been in the states on vacation when she found out....) but, none-the-less, we celebrated! I couldn't ask for a better friend and a better person! I hope that if you don't follow her blog, you will at least take a look at it!

Alright! Gotta go for now...take care and hope that you take the time to read Danielle Steel's "Amazing Grace". I must say, it's not my most favorite book, but she is still an amazing writer and nothing she writes is bad! Check her out if you haven't already!